My Youth, Your Youth

By: PoetPatriot

My Youth, Your Youth

by Roger W Hancock 

Youth; misunderstood, misunderstanding themselves, seeking independence, having grown from childhood too soon.Rebellion every way which including loose, attempting to find one’s self in the various paths offered by society lacking any fortitude to direct.

Youth of age fact, maturity evades while the youthful mind in creative genius grabs the direction of least resistance without restraint of parents who only want the best. Parent, student, teacher; teachers, students, parents, dependence upon each yet even among adults maturity evades. 

I in body beginning to feel the age of years yet in still the youthfulness of creativity with but a morsel of maturity, which I only now am beginning to grasp. Looking back what could have been if only selfishness had not reigned within my desire to be my own. Today’s youth much wiser be, if… learning from failed premise of past fad movements be their guide. What will be the next generational movements, more of the same, more repeated rebellion. Copying the extremes of past extremes yet to go beyond, for what, attempting to provoke the prior generation… as if that generation had not done the same? In wishing to make the world a better place, following the waves of others past, thoughtless mindless echoes set to new tunes of Rock stars who for the sake of big money sing anything without a cause, the youth of a new generation finds waste. Opportunities provided by technologies, by society’s web of interaction, and the failures of past rebellioned youth, if seen, by the social patriots of next rebellion’s front, can bring society to a better place in history. What message will be contained in the message of tomorrow’s ballads? Who will take the reins and will they listen to the past in leading to the future? History repeating need not be, but the energies of youth must include some maturity of old, if failures of both . . . to not prevail. Listen to this old man who still in mind is fighting youth rebellion... wondering... where are the leaders, who will be the leaders of the next generational movement? What will guide youth's energy’s path if anything, or nothing at all. 

Roger W Hancock © 10-25-2002

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