
By: PoetPatriot


Our Father in heaven and earth;

we are taught how to pray.

How to pray, how to talk,

communing with the living God.

Hallowed be your name;

exalting the Lord our God.

Honoring Him, praising him,

worshiping the living God.

Your Kingdom come;

reigning within his children.

Waiting for, expecting His return,

preparing for the living God.

Your will be done in earth, as in heaven;

putting first the ways of the Lord.

Denying ourselves for Him,

recognize sovereignty of the living God.

Give us this day our daily bread;

asking, knowing, He will supply.

Separating our needs from our wants,

depending on the living God.

Forgive our debts, as we forgive debtors;

confession of sin to Christ who paid the debt.

Repentance of wrongs, now made right,

forgiveness given, received of the living God.

Lead not into temptation, deliver from evil;

enablement from the Father above.

Grace secured by sacrifice,

by the blood of the living God

Your kingdom, power, and glory, for ever;

us the church, He is powerful, ever present.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow,

all Glory and Majesty of the living God.

So be it, truly, verily, let it be.

In Him it is finished,

Sin is conquered.


- Roger W Hancock

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