Jigsaw Puzzle Hands

By: sjohnson94

Jigsaw Puzzle Hands

It’s everything about you that gives me the feeling I get, like when we hug my 5’3 body nestles just under your head. Everything from your blue stone colored eyes and when they catch me looking into them, to your huge smile that creates two deep dimples on either side of your melon-like smile. It is the way your body draws an abstract shadow on the ground as we walk that has a small head and big muscles and the way your golden blond hair never grows past an inch. It is the way that your spicy and sweet cologne tingles my nose when we are close and the putrid smell of sweat that trickles off your face after the football games. I get this feeling when your soft but stubbly face brushes against mine, when your worked hands hold mine, when your solid body holds mine, when your plush lips meet mine. When we walk and your hands are always draped in your pockets or in my hands, the way you wear your pants just at your hip bones, and that loud laugh that brightens the room, it all makes me feel like this. It is like God has drizzled perfection through your bones just to give me a heart attack and revive me all over again. Most of all I get the feeling from my hands fitting into yours like a jigsaw puzzle and my heart beating in synch with yours. Everything about you and this moment makes me feel like the world is spinning around me and everyone has stopped, leaving my pounding heart, butterflies, and me. 

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