Consequences of Amen
By: siet
She folds her hands and kneels to
whisper these words she's spoken a
million times before
Though rooted in some abstract
faith that renders her incapable of
decision she still feels this twinge of
telling her to go home
Home to her children her husband the
stupid pets she so adores the people
next door with their cat that tears up
her garden
How is it that some incomprehensible
deity can pull her from that which she
treasures and draw her to this place
so unfamiliar
to beg forgiveness for sins she has
never committed?
They will call her a traitor no doubt
fallen from the ranks but still she
walks from row to row escaping this
means of communication with only
Leaving behind the padding still
impressed from her knees the
candles still fresh in her mind and
the cross
hanging ever higher
always threatening to fall