My Sunrise Ride

By: tatortots0505

My Sunrise Ride


            I hear the sound of the highway behind me. The warm breeze through my window is soothing as it brushes against my skin. I look at the clock. 4:30. Perfect. I’ll have time to get outside before my grandma wakes up. Step quietly, grab the keys, and open the door. Please don’t squeak. I’m out. It’s so peaceful.


            There it is. The painting of pink, orange, purple, blue, and the amazingly bright yellow pushing its way through the clouds of the morning sky. The smell of the pasture is refreshing. As I make my way toward it I pass an old tree house that my father built when he was my age. It’s very simple, yet so fun. I continue walking.


            I get to the shed. This is where the keys come in handy. My grandparents keep it locked so that no one can steal the items inside. Inside the shed are things for horses. Things like brushes, saddles, and reins. I grab the things I need to get the horse. I continue walking.


            I reach the old, white, metal gate that surrounds the pasture. I get the horses attention with some breakfast. They see me and begin coming. First came one, then two, three, and four. They were four beautiful creatures. Their walking is so perfect. I continue walking.


            I climb over the cold fence and into the muddy pasture. Reins in my hand I walk up to the stubborn horse named Paint. This horse was a beautiful brown with creamy with patches all over him. He was so beautiful. I walked toward him and offered him the reins. He refused. I offered it a second time. He doesn’t care. I try one last time. Nothing.  Finally I force the reins on him. He knows I’m just as stubborn as he is so he cooperates. We open the gate. I continue walking.


            I saddle up the horse with the shiny new saddle. I go faster as Paint grows impatient. We’re ready to go. I mount on the giant horse. After I’m situated we get going. We start off slow as if it were a stroll in the park. Then we get faster and faster. The feel of the warm wind is amazing as we ride together through the sea of green grass. The sun shone brightly now. It made the nearby creek glimmer. The sound of everything waking up is beautiful. The jack rabbits running, the blue heron skimming the field from above, and the quails rushing to different places cautiously.


            As the morning goes on we begin to head back to the house so that we make it in time for breakfast. After this ride I go back to life and the feeling of freedom, gone. We make it back. I unload the horse and take him back through the gate. I walk back toward the house. I get closer and closer. I open the door; I step in and close the door to the peace, the freedom, my sunrise ride.


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