A Personal Definition of Stress

By: garydalessandro

Stress is an infamous cause of lost motivation, a catalyst to the dark thoughts that guide a person to discard their most meaningful dreams. It is a feeling of pressure that drifts repeatedly across one’s entire body, bringing with it a creeping feeling of agitation that builds throughout each day. The biggest problem with stress is the fact that the longer it is left alone, the worse it gets -- and dealing with stress can often be stressful in itself.
Stress is all of the regrets experienced with the neglect of one’s hobbies, of the time lost in days of quiet irritation and anxiety. Stress is not realizing until it’s too late that spending time trying to ignore the negative feelings brought on by stress will only amplify them. To deal with stress is to think about one’s stressors, which quite ironically can create new stress in one’s life.
Stress is work done late because one feels that their time is better spent trying to deal with problems in other areas of their life. Realistically though, stress is unavoidable and always serves as a frustrating time sink to those who haven’t the time to sink. Stress permeates every thought one can think when they have a reason to stress, and is always as close as the back of one’s mind. Stress is very difficult to escape, yet very simple to find.
The one way to be rid of stress is to demean oneself by discussing the choices that lead them to it in the first place, in order to receive the positive reinforcement needed to deal with it. Overall, stress is a detrimental emotion that deserves no place in anyone’s life, yet always seems to find a way in.

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