Immortal Beloved

By: TylersWoman


Beethoven's Truth


            It is quite remarkable how movies can make us who we are. I remember the movie so well: Immortal Beloved. It was about the love life of Ludwig Van Beethoven whoupon his deathleft everything in his will to his “Immortal Beloved.” As a twelve year old, I wondered what the title could possibly mean. I wondered if maybe one day I would have an “Immortal Beloved.”


            Five years later, I think I finally understand what Beethoven meant. It’s fairly obvious “immortal” denotes eternal, everlasting, and undying; however, a scientist might argue that nothing is immortal. Personally, I believe my heart is immortal, as is my soul. A physical heart might stop beating…but what is held inside a metaphorical heart can never die. Coming from a Christian faith, my heartas well as my soulis immortal…unfortunately, beloved is much harder to define.


            “Beloved” is more abstract than “immortal” is. To me, “beloved” refers to a person…a very special person that is loved dearly. “Be” being the subject of the word and “loved” being the verb. An inanimate object cannot be called beloved: it has to be something that can love you back. A lover, a child, a friend: someone you love dearly who loves you in return.


            To me, Immortal Beloved means Tyler Davis Petersonthe love of my life. Not only is he incredibly handsome and sweet, he is also my best friend. He loves me as I love him: forever and always. Immortal Beloved is my undying love for Tyler and his for me. It’s as easy to define as that.


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