
By: PoetPatriot


Blame the Lord for your trials now?

We do not seek the truth when weak.

We do not trust when He does speak.

You know He has a purpose now.

Why on Him we put the blame,

selfish thoughts on us be lame.

In His time do answers come,

that perfect work in us become.

We must learn in Christ to trust,

He does not lie He is surely just.

In His sovereignty our lives,

death conquered that we survive.

The Lord is God, the Son who paid,

all He does is for our good.

For relationship with you, not fade,

trials be for strength in brotherhood.

Spiritual freedom paid with blood,

God’s son sacrificed, for us renew.

Price paid and sin be bound,

He paid the cost, his purpose for you.

- Roger W Hancock

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