The Book Of Lost Dreams

By: Azazel

The origin of the book has been lost throughout the centuries. Nobody knows where it came from, and nobody knows what it is meant to do. There aren't so many that have seen the book, and only a few that have read it. I have read it. But I'm quite old too. That helps, since it takes a while to find it. It's hidden in... Ah, I almost made a mistake there, eh?

The book is odd. It read the mind of the reader, so when you hold the book, it writes itself, so to say. The story of the book isn't the same for any two readers. The story of the reader is the book, in a way. But that's only protection. If one can penetrate the surface of the book, and see what is beyond your own past, you can see into the would-be future. It won't happen, though... When you know about your future, you have the power to change it. So when you read about your future, it is the future you would have had if you hadn't read the book. That is why the book is called "the book of lost dreams". But that is just another protection; at least that is what I've been told. Beneath your "future", there is another writing; and the only creature that has read it is named ... No, I won't speak the name here, nor any place else... Maybe in a church... Well, humans know of him as the dark lord of hell. He has read it. Maybe that's why he's so evil... Or maybe he isn't evil, only ... Oh, well... I don't know.

The numbers of heroes that have fallen in the quest for the book is great. The book wasn't discovered until 250 AW (AW=After the angelic war, current year is 1284 AW), but it is said that it has been on the planet since the time of creation. During the years 250-328 AW, the heroes of that time set out to find the book. But the only thing they found was death. By that time, the world was quite peaceful. True, there were some more or less violent happenings up in the north, but it has always been that way. Year 328, it was banned by the emperor to search for the book.

I was borne the glorious year 237 AW, and when I grew up, we were told the famous stories of Ironheart, Grimjaw, Rat and all the other heroes. So when I was allowed by my master to leave the castle (yes, I lived in a castle), I did, with Airthen. So, out into the world I went. And I did have my encounters with monsters, and I actually saved the life of the emperor once. And a dragon burnt me, in a special way. And I found the book.

I've read the book, twice. I still haven't seen my "future". I left the book where I found it, in a dusty old grave in... Ah, close, but not enough, right?

I'm old now. 1047 years, to be exact. But I still enjoy living, and I plan to do so for many years to come.

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