
By: PoetPatriot


Angels are all around.

You do not see them,

but they're all around,

you can trust they'll be.

Do not pray to them but God;

Only God can answer your prayer.

Angels to perform His will,

as guardians of us to care.

Angels, spiritual bodyguards,

with unseen weapons of peace.

They watch and protect us,

from our own... mistakes.

When you want answers,

It is to God you should speak.

It's the love of the Father,

That answers your prayer.

Angels may do wondrous works,

It is not for them to praise.

All glory to the living God,

of His son He gave us grace.

Angels, angels so you may see,

that life abounds within God's love.

Praise to Him for His care,

of our lives with Him to share.

- Roger W Hancock

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