Morbid Wonderland Part 3

By: Fox

The air was insignificantly warmer, still silent except the movement distilled by the cool

breath of the earth. The innocent was still distraught by the images, that’s all they were,

deceptions created in her own perturbed insanity. Two pairs of scarlet eyes, two sets

flaming hair, vampire twins? What an imagination she had! She smiled at herself, more

neurotic than amused.

The grin quickly faded, her eyes dimmed as a slight movement captured her

curiosity. It was in the corner of her eyes, her body tensed as she took a step back, she

clenched her fists. It was gone, lost in the time if took her to turn her head. She sighed

and rotated back, there it was! The youth gasped and backed away, catching herself

before loosing complete symmetry. The girl relaxed as her friend danced for her. The

child’s excited laugh echoed throughout the night as, she too, danced. Twirling as the

Clara in the Nutcracker. The purity stopped suddenly, just in front of the

innocent’s eyes. She immediately halted and reached out to feel the softness of her

soldier. Daggers appeared from out of the mists and darkness, ripping the child’s face and

snatching the feather away.

She screamed in shock and in pain as she fell backwards into the arms of the calm


“Good evening, child.” She whispered to her ear.

“Poor child.” The other leaned foreword, sighed, and looked into her eyes. “Just a


“Are you frightened?”

“She’s terrified, she’s too curious.”

“All children are curious.” The fire twins spoke, still grasping the shaking child,

too mortified to speak.

A ring of fire encircled the concept of death, illuminating the child’s iridescent

beholders of beauty. “The curiosity and innocence will soon be taken away from those

breathtaking eyes.” A twin whispered and backed away from the innocent, who began

crying in fright.

“Oh,” the other cried sympathetically, “how does the lullaby go? Hush, little

darling, don’t say a word.” They sang quietly, their hushed voices quietly carrying thought

the air. “This won’t hurt at all, little darling.” They told her, their lips drew near to her

eyelids as they unleashed the magnificent glowing gems to be taken. A milky light

whisked from out of her eyes into the mouths of the fiery twins.

Her lids began to feel heavy, as if she was hypnotized. Her fragile body went limp

in the arms of the sensitive twin, her innocence was stolen. Soon, the child lay lifeless on

the ground, extremely pale, her head in the lap of a twin. Their breath was blown into a

small gold pocket watch, and into it’s holding place it went.

“Pool little girl.” Spoke the one who held her, stroking the raven hair that fell into

her lap.”

“Not innocent anymore.” The other turned and watched how the child changed.

No longer did she have rosy, puffy cheeks and a child’s figure. Her body was now

longer and had shape. Filled with slight curves in which a young woman possessed. Her

face was well-formed with high cheek bones, a slender look, and a small mouth.

Her eyes opened, as bright and luminous as before, but a more comprehending,

logical presence emanated from them. The curiosity was still there, a little.

“She’s not used to her body yet.” The fiery ones helped her to her feet.

“I know.”

“I’m jealous.”

“The might like her more, we can’t have that.”

“What can we do?”

“Dispose of her.” She smiled, flashing her fangs.

The twins took the young woman deeper into the forest, to their resting grounds.

The adolescent beauty melted to her knees and begged them to be quick, but was instead

knocked to the dirt by the pale arm of the aggressive twin. Into the earth which she had

grown to love as her maker. The twins carefully placed her body into one of their beds

and set her friend with her. They murmured lines from a famous Shakespearean play,

releasing their beauty into oblivion.

“Goodnight, good night, parting is such sweet sorrow.” They spoke slowly, as the

heavy stone lid sealed with an echoing presence of immorality.

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