
By: rebel

I was surfing the Internet the other day and I came across an article entitled ‘100 Ways to Love your Mate”. It was quite interesting and a lot of the pointers in there (maybe 99% of them) were not new to me. Let’s just say that I had already tried them and whoppee they had worked (at the time).

I think that today, most of those things, like listening and occasionally saying “I Love You” would still work. However I may need to write a continuation to that page and in it add a couple of more helpful hints ( maybe another hundred or so ... not much). Things that would tell the unexpectant lover to expect a lot of negative responses to great efforts.

Love is the most difficult thing there is to comprehend on the face of this earth ... did you notice? It varies with each individual, but one of the common factors that remain constant with humanity and love, is the mystery of what it really is ... nobody seems to know.

I mean, if you’ve ever felt the butterflies and nervosa, or the dizziness and trance-like disposition, you really ought to wonder. Bottom line is that love simply drives you insane. Do you really think that a sane man (or woman - no prejudice here) would be singing out loud just by thinking of his ‘soul mate’, or even entertain thoughts of dying if he has to live without one he loves? Will someone in their right mind, give up all he has for the sake of a mere feeling? But it is more than a feeling, isn’t it? It’s feelings - one connected to the other, which is connected to a third and before you know it - you’ve got what we call a chain reaction, or if you prefer ‘chemistry’, even though ‘dynamite may sound more appropriate since it is in fact dynamic. Or shall I use another adjective like lethal, fatal or simply deadly (no pun intended !!).

You know what they say, you say tomAYto and I say tomAHto, one man’s meat is another man’s girlfriend or is that poison? Well whatever it is, it’s not the same for everyone. Some people derive more pain than pleasure from love and others get the pure raw ecstasy; while less than fifty percent of the remaining population, get an even bit of each.

Those who get more pain often end up suicidal, those who get more pleasure end up diabetics and those who get the level bit turn out to be survivors. The suicidal are closer to being survivors, than they are to getting one sugar-rush too many.

Most other people who end up failing in love, turn out to be good writers and if they fail more than three times, they become poets. Off course if they fail more than three times and was in a church choir or high school band, they become singers and when they sing about it enough, they win Grammies.

So you see, how much love can do? It can make you, it can break you - send you to the nuthouse or to a great record company. It’s the mystery of the thing that does that and if you ever doubt it, ask Jim Carrey or Mariah Carey - classic Careys at both end of the stick - get it ... nuthouse - record label, but neither related (the Careys that is).

So the gist of my web page would state that you need to keep repeating the first hundred ways to love your mate, even if it drives you crazy. If you don’t, you could lose him/her, become lethal, turn you suicidal or into a comedian, a writer, poet or singer and have your name repeated on all the radio stations in your country or internationally.

This all sounds optional, doesn’t it? Well I’ll tell you this much, it’s better to be crazy in love than just crazy ... “ironic - don’t ya think??”.

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