Lilac Eyes

By: Fox

A tranquil tear gently rolls off scarlet. A luscious scent clutches her heart as she

dips her head to snuggle the flower to her nose. Her cheeks are flushed as she hides her

face behind the dew covered sweetness. Lilac eyes flicker playfully at the presenter.

A melody plays exquisitely behind her. Hollowed stems colliding with a jewel

from the breeze. Carried in the wind are seeds, often seen in flight. Vines crawling across

meadows of endless colour, only captured by painters, such as Monet.

Violet eyes turn heavenward and her arms soar to the vault of heaven to embrace

the ocean in the sky. Where she has seen countless stories acted by her imagination, with

a little help from the clouds. She dances with prisms and twirls with the wind. Her

earth-like hair outstretched, taking on the world in all directions.

Light banished, faeries of all intensity dance around her. A rumble trembles her

heart as a herd of remarkable spirits gallop around her, traipsing in air. Heads held high,

and wings the bloomed like the ground beneath her.

Above, thousands of trinkets she could stare at endlessly. Playing connect the

dots, pondering endless possibilities that visited her mind, too often, perhaps. She stands,

higher now, smiling, crying, gazing toward infinity.

“They say, a painting is worth a thousand words. What if words aren’t good

enough? The desire to see and experience new things, is in every mortals veins. Some

wishes are just harder to reach.” Are her thoughts, as violet eyes flicker toward where her

curiosity is being held captive.

Incased in her heart, these things. The scents, the music, the beauty... the magic.

The endless imagination, these thoughts.

“Perfect.” She whispers, and lilac eyes open.

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