Knock, Knock, Little One

By: Fox

Have you ever tried to stop the rain? You see the clouds rolling in, ebony against the blue

of the night sky. The apprehension the tremors your insides, casting you into a trembling

fright. Drums thrashing in the background, your heart the only sound in your ears.

You mind is hastily slithering away into the immensity, barren, as vacant as your

eyes. You have no soul, yours was lost years ago. You are frightened, are you not? That

you will never again see the way you once did. You are afraid of its eyes.

Thump, thump, thump, do you hear it? Pound, pound, pounding even more than

before. Footsteps, they intimidate you. You’re alone..all alone. Poor little one, are you

scared of the storms? Petrified of which you once thought you had restraint on.

Sing sweetly, young one. Shroud yourself from your fears, conceal yourself from

the wind. The draught that chills you to the bone. Hum your favorites, you think they

will save you. Beat, beat, beating of your heart, make sure you keep the beat, don’t loose

tempo now.

Keep on, innocent. You are secure for now, the storm is tranquil, the thunder just

a rumble in the background. The wind is nothing more than a sweet breeze across a field

of flowers. Come now, your heart beats quicker, you are loosing beat. Water forms on

your brow, and your mind races.

Breathe, innocence. Keep your beat, it will find you again. Your life races within

you, faster and faster. Can you not hear the birds singing harmonious beside you? All

your fascination is theirs, all you can hear, young one, is them.

No, purity of heart! Remain where you are, do not linger. Hide from your fears,

do not encounter them, keep still. They are coming, hasten, innocent, flee. Faster and

faster them come. Do not weep, dear one, it only makes them impenetrable.

Innocence, you disobeyed me. You mocked me, and now I am here with them.

You must face them alone, your fears. I tried to protect you, to keep you sheltered but

now we are here. You should have kept your song, and kept your eyes closed.

Thump, thump, here we come. Getting faster now. Pound, pound, pounding,

closer. Your heart is filled with courage, small one, now it does not beat alone. We are

here. Defy us.

Knock, knock, little one.

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