Killed By Beauty

By: Fox

A golden crystal dangles hopelessly in front of my eyes. A pendulum, a steady beat back

and forth. That beat quickly joins in synch with my heart. My heart stays with the

pendulum, the beauty.

It leaves me breathless, controlling. My eyes follow, smooth chocolate eyes, they

show no emotion, only defeat. Captured by the beauty of the pendulum. I don’t want to

close my eyes , to blink would insult this beauty.

I am aware of my surroundings, despite what they may think. All of the doctors

staring at me, they are asking me questions. Disturb me and mock the beauty. Get my

attention? No, I don’t answer them.

Intrigued by the beauty, I keep my eyes locked on it. This is the only thing that

deserves my attention. A colourful array of light exits the pendulum. It chose me, placing

a graceful hand to my face, it’s colours glowing on me.

What!? Taking it away!? No! I won’t allow it! It’s mine. It chose me. My eyes

burn with anger and loneliness as they take my beauty away. Please no, I beg them. But

then, a spark, a fire ignites within me and a smirk appears on my face. My eyes lift to the

ones dragging me, my eyes flaming in my beauty’s colour. I shove one into the wall, no

pain involved, the walls are covered in a padding that makes them soft.

“Let her have it a little longer.” says a voice.

So they give back my beauty. Hmm, its testing me now, clicking faster and faster.

My eyes are quick, I can follow, I will do anything if it pleases my beauty. My eyes are

flicking rapidly to keep up. It’s gradually getting slower now, so slow, so tired. Another

test, I’ll stay awake, but it’s so slow. My breath is short, there is no air.

I can’t breathe.

“Maybe she’s had enough...”

My eyes keep following my beauty, I have no control. Getting slower and slower.

My heart beats with my beauty. Beat....beat... then... my beauty dies.

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