It's Just The Way I Am

By: Fox

" Sometimes the truth hurts." I know they were right. I know they did speak the truth, and it did hurt. Not right then, later in the night when their words echoed in my dreamless thoughts. It didn't hurt much, not much at all. " Well you are a goody-goody." I know that's the truth, that's what they know me as. I don't care, they have yet to see my adventure side. The thing that makes my mind work. I can't help it, it's just the way I am.

" Your religion is weird." Religion? I can't help the way I think It's just what I believe and no one can change that. So what if I don't believe what anyone else does. Who's to say I'm wrong? I don't say your wrong, it's just what you believe. My mind keeps going back to what they tell me. " Well you are just boring." Oh, if you could only see what goes on in my mind. If you could only see the way my mind works, or the gleam in my eyes. You'd never think I was boring. Still, to you I am those things, as to almost everyone else. I can't help it, it's just the way I am.

I know I don't act girlie like most girls do, but I still am one. " Don't worry, we'll change you." Yeah, I hope you can, but I doubt you will. I'm stubborn as you've told me so many times. I like the way I am. Then why do those words bother me so much? I wouldn't mind being wild or girlie, but I can't. It's just the way I am.

You would regret those words if you could see my thoughts. Another thing someone told me, haunts me in the dark of night. When a train goes by and a dog howls I

remember them saying. " Isn't he cute?" I reply my usual, " No not really." Then I get back usual utter of disbelief. " I don't know, I don't like his personality." Is it my fault that I don't think a guy is cute because I don't like him as a person? I thought that was the important thing. I can't help it, it's just the way I am.

Flirting, they say I'm immune to it. Maybe I don't want to flirt. Maybe some girls don't like hanging all over someone. Maybe, I'm just weird. Then, their are the names, most people get them. Bookworm, nerd, geek, science freak. Yeah, so what? I'd rather be a any of those then think the way some others do. The ones who have no imagination. The people whose main priority is having money, or flirting. I like being able to drift off in

my own world while reading. I like being able to dream about what is in our universe. I like coming up with tales from my mind. I'll say it again, from my mind. I like they way I think, I like the names I'm given. I like the way I am. That's just the way I am

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