I Made The Devil Laugh

By: Fox

You know him as dark, menacing, and unjust. The ultimate evil, he kills out of

hatred. You think of him as powerful, ugly, and cruel. Sterotypical, mortals make things

evil if they don't understand them. I shouldn't be talking though. I, too once belived this,

for I was once a mortal.

I began as a normal child, by the age of thirteen I began feeling the changes. My

powers began to appear. I could almost tell the future, sometimes. I saw and thought

things that only one other could think. I thought of fire and burning. I thought of myself

lavishing in a bath of blood. He began showing me these things, a little at a time.

The rage was the worst. The uncontrolable urge to hurt. The rage boiled within

me, and I began to scare myself. Sometimes, I didn't blink for hours on end. My mortal

brown eyes, turning into an immortal icey blue. They glaze over, looking horrifing. Never

look into my eyes, never.

The power was great with me. When meditating, the power surged inside me. The

power would raise , the pressure would lift objects heavier then even I. Of course I stayed

seated, my once brown hair now an immortal color of white. My cold eyes gleamed with

my power as I sat there.

This is when the evil in myself showed its potentiel. I would glare into emptiness,

hands clenching, and teeth grinding. Suddenly, I would almost loose my sanity. I would

release the energy in flames that did not burn. The power itched beneathe my skin, urging

to be free.

The day came when I was twenty. I was alone, only my power satasfied me.

Nothing else was good enough for me. Until, he came. The devil, not a monster, not

hideously ugly, but he was evil. He was handsome, with ebony hair, and sparkling

crimsion eyes. He was also twenty, at least in a twenty year olds body.

" You know who I am Kyros?" He asked, a sweet voice came from the devil's lips.

" Yes, I now know who I am, also.' I replied coldly, stepping closer my eyes froze

in the icey blue as they changed.

" Then who are you?" he asked, his flaming eyes burning mine.

" The devil's son." I stated. Waiting for these words, he nodded. Then, the gates of

hell opened.

" Come." As we walked through the gates I felt my power triple. I felt full of

energy. I was an immortal.

He began to speak to me when we enterd. All the flames burned with spirit. They

were all differnt colors, my favorite was blue. The most destructive. I was automactically

dressed in a clear blue and misty white robe. My father's words shook the underworld. He

had a godly voice, or better still, an immortal voice. I replied and found my voice the


He taught me everything I needed to know about being a demon. We only kill

beacuase of the Earth. We don't want too many people on Earth, they may use up our

energy. The earth is our energy source. The ones sent here are those who abuse the energy

of the earth, our energy. Klling is our job, not mortals. Mortals who kill are severely


Since he had taught me magick, I was determined to show him emotion. Then

came the day I was to come into his place as devil. The Devil, his name was Salias. Salias

the demon was no longer the devil. as we sliced our hand, immortal blood flowed and we

switched. He took my blood and I took him. The power of the devil became mine, and he

was only a demon.

I became Kyros, the devil. Soon I would create a son. Soon, being at least a

thousand years. As we switched blood, I remebered my determination to show him

emotion. I gave him some of mine. After it was done I spoke to my father.

" How do you feel?" I asked, He looked at me, now looking aged.

" Well, I don't feel like a devil.' He replied, and laughed.

I made the devil laugh.

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