Glass Of Red Wine

By: Fox

Darkness chokes shadows into obliteration. No light of hope illuminates our world, now in devastation and ruins. We promenade slowly, our eyes never blinking. Our hearts hammer, and our souls howl. Never in our most baneful dreams, would any of us imagine what was now set before our eyes. Vile were the beings who betrayed us. Our King was deceived by foul creatures, first appearing admirable.

We are a triad, potent with power. Another mission had distracted us from the problems on this planet. We were away, on an order from the king. We returned to find bloodshed, spilled over the soil. As if a drunken man had spilled red wine all over our grounds.

We are now scavenging through the debris, looking for any signs of mortality. Cayin and Birdera are lurking behind me, and I hear Birdera’s low whispered warning “Serio.” The villains, an alien race of Kaseya. Their leader grimaces at me, and I smirk back. They look similar to us, but the third arm gives them away, extruding from their


Their eyes stare into mine, compelling me. I try to control my self, but my saneness is quickly slipping away into their eyes. We the Triangle, are strong warriors. We were born at the same time, but from different wombs. I, a master of the sword, have muscular arms, but am not broad. I, with my dark hair, and my alerting red eyes. Birdera, master of archery, has long ebony hair, and glowing violet eyes. Cayin, strong and well built, has only short swords and mastery of strength to protect him. His raven hair falls to his shoulders, matching his menacing dark eyes.

The enemy shrieks a war cry. We know what we must do. We charge, tearing and spilling the wine from the glass over and over again. The blood is flowing, it’s in the air and water. My sword slices another’s head off, flinging it behind me. I then rip out his heart, making sure he has perished. There are heads and body limbs all around us. We are out numbered. I turn in time to see Birdera’s neck snapped, and the monster rip out her beating heart as I had done to many of his kind. Cayin saw also, blind with rage, he charges the leader. “No!” I shout. The spear goes through him despite my wishes.Controlled by my insanity I burst, flames burn from every cell that creates me. I am truly on fire, praying for all those I kill, and those I lost.

Energy bursts from my body and extinguishes every living thing. I am now alone, my worst fear realalized. The beating of my heart brings me back to sanity. When the Triangles die they are reborn. That is all my mind tells me. Maybe it is an omen. My heart beats faster, and faster. My sanity is at the brink. I can not take it anymore! The annoyance! The fact that my heart beats and Birdera’s and Cayin’s do not! I slide my sword from out its sheath to let the last of the red wine rain upon the earth.

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