Glass Of Red Wine 4 Cayin

By: Fox

Most of this planet is dead, a devastating place. All that goes on is war. Killing is normal, no matter who you are. As long as you are at a high rank, everyday is a risk. I've

heard of a few spots untouched by the rage, and the war. I never believed them, until I saw a spot myself.

It was at night, six of the seven moons were black, hidden away into the stars. The other was a full moon. I walked on the dead land, and glances heavenward at the three suns that were slowly sinking beneath the surface. I began thinking about my dreams. The two dark-hair silhouette stood in my mind. No color showed, except their eyes, blood and purple eyes lit up the darkness. I knew their hair was black, just like mine.

I soon reached a hill. " Strange," I thought, " I've never gone this far before." I climbed the hill to satisfy my curiosity. what I saw their was to beautiful to comprehend.

Below me were trees, but the shadow created made them blue in the valley below. I sat there till the last sun went down. The colors were dark in the sky, the full moon made the land brighter. The clouds in the sky looked dark, but beautiful at the same time.

"What are you thinking Warrior? You don't think like this. You are a killing machine, like all the rest of the mindless being here." A voice inside me said.

" I am not! Leave me alone!" I screamed at the voice. " Go away!" I was now standing, running from whatever was taking over my thoughts.

" You can't run from it Cayin. It's your destiny." I looked up when the voice spoke again. Only to find myself running from a group of warriors. The didn't know who I was. They didn't know I was the top short-swordsman. The voice told me to turn and fight back. I didn't listen, even though I knew I should have. Since the voice told me to, I didn't.

I was on the ground a moment later. An arrow had gone threw my leg, I cried out in pain. I could feel the blood run down my leg, the rest of me soaking in it. I blacked out as soon as I saw my friend Linka standing above me, looking down at my leg.

They stood there again, still is perhaps a better word. They were staring at me, they were in pain because I was. " I'm sorry." I told them. They seemed to understand. " I'll make it up to you when we meet. Watch for me, remember my name, Cayin."

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