Glass Of Red Wine 3 Birdera

By: Fox

I see the night creeping down upon me. One star begins to shine, and the seven satellites that circle our world glow. Some believe that they give off strange energy. Perfect, a strange energy for a strange person. maybe I am not that strange, but the dreams I have are too real to be fake.

The two like my stand apart, I don't know how they are like me. I can't see their faces, only their eyes and their hearts. The one with red eyes longs for something. I am

not certain of what the one with dark eyes is looking for. I am looking for them, perhaps they are looking for me. They can feel the evil taking over them too. Who can't on a planet such as this, where you are a prisoner of war. War with yourselves, and war with you friends. If you are lucky enough to have any.

As I look around all I see is blood, all I see is fighting. That is all that matters on this planet, even though none of us are true enemies. They live here also, their minds are enslaved by the leaders of this world. I am happy for one thing. My mastery is archery has brought me high up in rank.

I may be able to escape this planet with the help of them. With my high authority I may be able to find them. If I don't go insane before I get the chance. It's hard to keep

sane in this place, and even harder when you are one of us. Something is trying to take over my mind, or trying to push it's way forth, trying to remind me of.... the past.

I get excited each time one of my arrows penetrates the so-called enemy. It never used to thrill me, but the emotion gets me now that I've turned eighteen. I wonder if the

same thing is happening to them? The sky is now filled with shimmering lights. The air is nice and a cool breeze makes it even nicer in the heavy armor. I begin to drift off, my

bow at my side.

Oh, the pain! What is it from! I know I didn't do a thing, but my heart is hurting as well as my leg. I've never felt a pain like this, my heart is empty and I almost feel like

crying. Crying! Warriors do not cry! What is wrong with me? I hear footsteps behind me and can do nothing about it.

" Birdera? What is going on?" A pupil of archery, Kaseko. She's young, fifteen at the most. She is the best though.

" Nothing, I'm all right." I say through gritted teeth. An image flashes through my mind. It's the dark eyed one, he's hurt.

" I'll go get a healer." Kaseko runs before I can stop her.

" Don't worry, I'll find you two, just don't forget my name, Birdera."

The stress becomes too much for me and I must lay down. Oh I wish I can meet them, I will meet them. " Soon I will know both your names."

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