Glass Of Red Wine 2 Serio

By: Fox

The thunder pounded in my chest as I moved quickly through the woods. Since it was autumn there were colors surrounding me. Golden, auburn, and ochre leaves crunched beneath my feet as I moved on. I breathed in the air of decomposing plants, and animals. The trees made the forest dark, only small shards of light entered through the branches. The gray clouds began swarming over-head, the thunder was like bees inside my chest.

I knew the storm could be deadly, or at least frightening. I loved storms, the pressure slamming and shaking the insides of me was exhilarating. I was too eager to see

storms, the energy and the excitement would build up inside me like a volcano.

The rain began, wonderfully soft and fresh. Nature had seemed to consume me lately. I began to notice how much I loved things. How chilled I got when lightning streaked across the sky, lighting up the world. I continued on now, fighting the cold wind. I couldn't stop, I love the wind, no matter how cold it is. Thoughts began to cross me mind. I had always been an outcast, I never needed anyone's help. At least that's what I


I stopped myself almost halfway through the woods. I didn't notice until I started playing my old wooden flute, I had made it myself. The music drifted me off into another world, my own world. I saw two others like myself. I had often seen them, never knowing who they were, or how they were in my world.

It was then, when I bit my lip. My music stopped inside of me, and my crimson eyes became cold. My lip was bleeding slightly. "Blood." I thought. " Why do I like it so much?" I slid my tongue over the wound and tasted it. I know I'm not a vampire., I just like the taste of my own blood.

As nature is trying to take over me, so is evil. I love the power evil has, the excitement of it. My eyes turn hard and cold, for no reason at all. Only when I think of evil. My face turns somber, and I happen to be glaring at nothing. Almost like everything makes me angry. If you happen to look into my eyes, you will find yourself locked in fear.

The two in my world are like that also. I've decided that they are on this very planet, Radic. There would be no way they would be anything like me if they weren't. Radic is a controlling planet, everyone is a prisoner and everyone is a warrior.

" Can you hear me? Warriors, friends, I need to find you. You are the only ones who can tell me why I am changing. You are going through it too, so maybe we can work it out together. I would like to know your names. My name is Serio."

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