Shattered Reality Part III

By: Julsey

Cerai’lin tried to shift a little in her spot, but with the chains binding her ankles and wrists, the movement was difficult, not to mention that her spot was thrown over the front part of a horse saddle while some ruffian guided the reigns. Cerai closed her eyes to block out her view of the quickly moving ground beneath her, even as she tried to block out the pain of the saddle horn poking roughly into her stomach while the horse continued on its way, oblivious to the discomfort the saddle was bringing to one of her riders. Cerai’lin was vaguely aware that the others had rejoined the man that was riding on the same horse as she, but she didn’t care, there was nothing on her mind but a vague feeling of indignation at being carried like a sack of grain.

Inevitably, the steady movement of the horse lulled Cerai’lin into a semi-state of slumber, and her mind drifted once more to the memories of her recent past, allowing her to forget her current state for a brief moment of time.

Cerai’lin was making her way along the long, richly decorated hallway that led to Master Omrin’s study. She was never afraid of seeking him out with her questions, but this day, she wasn’t just coming for her own benefit. Several of the other students were depending on what turn of events this meeting would bring about, and that made Cerai’lin a little nervous. She stopped in front of the large wooden door that opened into the large chamber and took a moment to study the intricate designs carved into the front panel. Letting out a quiet sigh, Cerai touched her fingertips to the rune that indicated strength then wrapped her knuckles against the door twice.

“Master Omrin?“ she asked after knocking, opening the door a little to poke her head through, “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

Her long time teacher and mentor looked up from the paperwork shrouding the wood of his desk from view, and he gestured for her to enter, “Yes, of course child, come in. What is it that troubles you?” Cerai took a deep breath and made her way to one of the cushioned armchairs before Master Omrin’s desk, glancing about the familiar room as she sat down. The room was furnished with only the most comfortable furniture, and there were books and paintings everywhere. To many who entered to view the elder Master Teacher’s study, it looked more like the room of a disorganized collector rather than a studious and commanding adept magician who taught for a living. Cerai’lin smiled gently at that though, then returned her gaze to her teacher, who was waiting patiently for her to begin.

“It’s Simok,” she stated simply, “Many of the students here are afraid of him, as I’m sure you are aware of, and many of the teachers seem to be as well, at least, none of them will do anything about Simok’s bullying. Yesterday, he hurt little Dinon and thought nothing of it, and no one tried to stop him. How can this be allowed to happen? Why are the teachers so fearful of him? Please, is there anything that can be done?”

Master Omrin just looked at Cerai when she finished speaking. For several quiet moments, the only thing that could be heard was the steady breathing of the two of them, then he shifted in his chair and let out a labored sigh. Cerai’lin couldn’t help but think he suddenly looked so aged, like all his years had suddenly settled heavily upon his shoulders, and he could barely carry that weight; however, she quickly brought her mind back to the moment when he spoke up.

“I knew this time would come soon, I knew things were going to change. Ever since the Council of Elders informed me of Simok’s talent and told me he would be trained here, I’ve been awaiting this moment. Yes child, I have heard about Dinon and Simok’s run-in yesterday, and I know the teachers are doing everything in their power to heal him and find the deceitful one. He’s gone you know, he left late last night.” Master Omrin lifted a gnarled hand to his temple and massaged it lightly before continuing, “You ask how this could be allowed to happen, well, to be truthful Cerai, none of us really know what Simok is capable of, not even I. There’s too much of…something...clouding the aura about him, and so no one here can tell what he’s going to do next.”

“Is that why the teacher’s are afraid of him?” she interrupted. Her curiosity had grown as Master Omrin had spoken, for she had felt the same things, though she was sure that was only because she was merely a student and a youth, to find that even the adults were confused about Simok’s intents did nothing to ease Cerai’lin’s concern.

“No, that is not why the teachers are fearful of him.” He paused as if weighing the repercussions of what he was to say next, then looked at her for a brief moment, “The teacher’s are wary of Simok because it is thought the he is possibly of the Dark, and for him to have come been allowed into our university, well, it brings the wars much closer to home than many would prefer.”

Cerai’lin blinked at her teacher, trying to grasp all that he had just told her. Evil? Here? In the University’s walls? That can’t be possible. Her expressive and flickering eyes were rapidly changing colors, betraying the thoughts and emotions going through her mind. Master Omrin, long familiar with the changing colours of Cerai’s eyes, echoed her thoughts.

“I know, it is hard to believe Cerai, but that is what I sense, and what some of the other teachers here feel as well. I’m sure you’ve seen how even the babes can’t stand to be in any room he’s in, and there are many other signs that suggest he’s more than what he seems, but what, we don’t-“

“But how is that possible?!” she cried out, “I thought the University was guarded against Evil? I thought it wasn’t even allowed entrance? What about the guardian spells?” Cerai’lin looked wide-eyed at her mentor. If the spells had been gotten past, then where was there any hope for their protection? Master Omrin sighed quietly and rested back in his chair and closed his eyes.

“I don’t know Cerai’lin. Perhaps our suspicions are unfounded, maybe Simok is just a bad seed, but I cannot say for certain. I’ve informed the Council of Elders of our predicament, and of the fact that Simok has disappeared, until we know more, there is nothing we can do. I am sorry to burden you with this knowledge Cerai, but you cannot tell any of the other students, do you understand me? You are to continue with your studies until we have further notice.”

Cerai’lin nodded lightly and rose from the armchair she had settled in, knowing she was dismissed to leave. She let herself out of Master Omrin’s study as he returned to his paperwork, a little more on his mind than the simple quarterly financial report before him. As Cerai made her way back through the winding halls of the University to the dorm and her room, a dark cloud settled over her, her teacher’s words echoing slowly in her mind over and over again. She had so many unanswered questions about what to expect for the future, what was going to happen now? She had heard the last messenger’s report, war was nearly at the door, and if their protection spells failed, what could be hoped for?

Cerai paused as she came near the small nursery where the little ones were kept, one of her favourite places to pass her time when not studying. The room had been alight with afternoon sun flowing in through the open windows, a faint breeze ruffling up the curtains and some of the covers over the cribs and tiny beds. Cerai had furrowed her brow in worry as she looked over the young ones taking their afternoon nap, what was going to become of them? She shook herself from her reverie long enough to continue on her way to her room. She unlocked the door and slipped inside, closing the door tightly behind her.

Immediately, Cerai’lin was overcome with the sense that someone had been in her room, and very recently. Her yellow eyes searched the room intently as she did a quick mindsearch for any sign that the intruder was still present, and when her search proved useless, Cerai began to move about her room to see what had been disturbed. Nothing had seemed out of place to her sharp eyes until she came to her desk. It appeared as if some of the papers had been shuffled up a bit, and there was something extra, a slip of paper that had not been there before she left this morning. Cerai’lin picked the bit of paper up and unfolded it carefully to read what was written inside the folds, then snarled quietly to herself at what she found inside. It was a challenge.

Cerai’lin abruptly found herself back in her present predicament as she was suddenly tossed from the front of her horse when it reared without warning, throwing her several feet to the ground. She gasped out load as she felt the wind knocked out of her, unable to do anything but stare ahead of her, sensing the multiple bruises that were beginning to blacken her body beneath her rags of clothing.

“Molin you fool!” one of the other four riders exclaimed, “Why can’t you watch where you’re going!”

“It wasn’t me ya demned idiot, it was the ‘orse. Somethin’ spooked ‘er an’ she reared.” Molin patted his mare’s neck in an attempt to calm her as she shied away from whatever it was that had scared her, then he looked around guiltily for Cerai’lin. He knew if Keharn had seen what had happened, he would be in a lot of trouble, but, fortunately for him, Keharn had told them to go on ahead while he took care of some other business. He dismounted and led his horse to where Cerai had fallen and looked down at her.

“Mebbe we should take a break now,” Molin said as he nudged her lightly with the toe of his thick boot, “I thin’ the wench is tired an’ Keharn prolly wouldn’ wan’ us ta get too far ahead of ‘im.” The three other men agreed among themselves and dismounted as well to stretch out their weary muscles. Cerai’lin just lay there, squeezing her eyes shut as tears threatened to overwhelm her. This last surprise injury caught her off-guard, and her exhausted body would not be denied anymore. Tears spilled down her grime-covered cheeks as dreamless and welcomed unconsciousness claimed her battered body.

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