Stormy Night

By: Julsey

The moon lay hidden behind the many clouds that covered the night sky overhead, in the distance a flash of lightning lit the darkness above for the briefest of seconds, followed closely by a low rumble of thunder. Serin glanced up at the sky and let out a muttered curse. Rain was the last thing his old bones needed on this night, he had a long walk still before him. He tightened his jacket about him, and turned up the collar for it seemed the unexpected storm had brought a cold spell with it.

"At least this cursed rain should ruin Morgania's wretched plans." The old man's lip curled in what could be assumed was a smile. Another flash of lightning tore across the sky, the loud clap of thunder that followed shook the man from his thoughts. Serin let out another curse as the rain began to pour down. He quickened his pace as much as he could, knowing he had to move with care on the pavement for it grew slippery. The rain continued without relent, pouring down in sheets. In moments, the dark city-street was slick with the rain and still it fell, the visibility quickly disappearing.

"Damn this rain!" he cried, glancing up. The rain briefly let up long enough for him to notice a covered alleyway to his right. "Maybe I can wait there a moment," he uttered before scurrying over to the darkened alley and stepping into it. Serin stood beneath the covering and peered out into the rain, shaking his head lightly. "Why did I even venture out this miserable night? What did I expect to find?" He sighed and leaned against the side wall of the alley. He lifted a gnarled hand to his eyes as he closed them, pressing his fingers to the lids as he continued speaking to himself, "I am an old fool who can't let a dream die. I should have given up long ago…"

At that moment, Serin heard the rustling of a cardboard box pushed along the ground. He turned quickly and stared into the darkness of the alley. He listened intently and could make out faint sobs above the din of the pouring rain. Again a flash of lightning lit up the sky, and in the brief light Serin was able to see a huddled form whose body shook with cries. Serin's heart went out to the person who sat there, knees drawn up and head lowered. He had never been considered by those who knew him as compassionate, but something about this person's obvious pain touched something in him. As the rain poured down beyond the alleyway, Serin approached the huddled form. As he knelt by its side, another flash of lightning lit up the alley enough for him to realize this was a young woman with torn clothes and bloodied body. His eyes widened and he reached a hand towards her as he softly said, "Miss…?"

The young woman's head snapped up at the sound of someone's voice, and upon noticing the man reaching for her, she shrank back, pressing against the wall with an audible hiss. Serin's eyes went wider, for the eyes he gazed into did not even seem human. His own blue eyes gazed into a pair of deep amber eyes that seemed to hold a beastial and feral look. The young woman hissed again, and Serin could feel that something was wrong with her, something about her was changing as the seconds ticked by. He cursed to himself and closed his eyes, concentrating. He didn't know why, but this woman needed him, needed his special abilities, and fast. Serin lowered his head and sent a mind probe out towards the young woman, searching for a link to her, only to find himself confronted with a mind in turmoil. Two souls seemed to be seeking purchase of her mind, one was animal and seemed to be winning, the other was human and on the retreat. Serin sent out soothing thoughts as he followed the diminishing human self, a small smile appearing on his lips as he finds her, hiding in a dark recess of her mind.

~Hello there young one, I will not harm you.~

~Wh-who are you? H-how did you get in here?~

~Those are all questions that shall be answered in due time, you have my word, but now, please, come out of this hole and take back control. There is no other way I can help you.~

~I-I can't. I'm scared…and I'm…I'm an outcast, shunned by everyone. Please, just go away!~ Her mind thoughts seemed desperate and defeated, it seemed she wanted to just secure herself away and hide, just give up. All this Serin sensed in but a moment as he responded.

~Do not be scared child, I am here to guide you and help you. I, too, am one shunned by those of this realm. Please, I only wish to help you.~


The man's lip again curled in a slight smile as he withdrew his thought self and probe from her mind. He opened his eyes and looked down at the young woman. After a brief moment of intense silence, a battle of wills, a shiver passed through her and she too opened her eyes. When she lifted her gaze to Serin, he found himself staring into a pair of intense hazel-green eyes flecked with swirling bits of amber. In her eyes he could see pain and anguish reflected, as well as great sadness. Serin knew he had finally found what he had been searching for all these years in this realm. He straightened, extending his hand to aid the young woman to her feet.

"I am Serin, a seeker on this earth. What is your name child?"

"My name is Esperanza." Her voice was low as she spoke, and Serin studied her quietly in the dark. She was tall, taller than the average woman in their time, and she had incredibly long black hair. He could see her clothes were torn, her body marred by scratches and bruises, but he could sense even more than what his eyes could see. There was something special about this young woman.

Serin opened his mouth to say something when he heard a distant rumble of thunder. He turned his head towards the street and noticed the rain had slowed to a mere drizzle.

"Come Esperanza. The rain has not yet finished its wrath upon this city and my home is still a walk away." He took his jacket off and draped it over her shoulders before moving from the alley to the street. Esperanza merely tightened the jacket about her, then followed him as if compelled, her mind racing, somehow knowing that her life had again been changed in a matter of moments, and knowing this time, things were going to be alright.

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