Rico - Faerie Dialogue

By: MTKnight

Come on! It'll be fun!

I dunno... It looks kinda scary....

You'll have fun! I swear!

Well, it does look sort of nice...

That's the spirit! Let's go outside!


Bundle up first, though. It gets really cold out there.

The elm now had a new scar on its bark. A sword'll do that to a tree, Rico thought, retrieving his weapon. His companion didn't look impressed.

"You call that a cut? I could do better in my sleep!"

"Of course you could," he answered, annoyed. "Dreams always put the best face on things."

"They sure do!" she chirped, laughing. Rico shook his head, not interested in hearing his friend's remarks. Sitting lazily on a branch, Lila sighed and made a sign of disgust. "Why couldn't I have picked someone that had at least some talent with a sword?"

"You did. A rather good-looking someone too."

Who're you?

I'm Lila!

You look funny....

That's because I'm a FAERIE, you dolt!

What're you doing here?

Waiting for someone.



"Wasn't that fun?"

"Yeah!" Rico cried out as he brushed snow from his clothes. Snow! It was so beautiful!

"Aren't you glad I took you outside?"

"Yeah.... Mom won't be too happy, though." Lila shrugged. They certainly had had a lot of fun. She'd kind of lost the snowball fight in a big way, though. Lila smiled

"Enjoy it, Rico. You probably won't see snow ever again."

You're too slow, you know.

And you can fly. It's not fair.

Of course it's not fair. Life wouldn't be any fun if it were.

What would life be like if you didn't try and spoil it?


Lose your wings. Then you wouldn't be so smug.

I'd rather not. I never did try to run the Marathon.

No, of course not. That's too much effort.

Basically. Now, come on. We have lots to do.


No, now. Come along, Rico.

It was another fine, sunny day: the first day of August, 5991. Finished his classes for the day, Rico decided it was time to relax. Throwing his books aside, the boy lay down on his bed, listening to the birds through his open window.

"Rico!!" Again, it was Lila. Not good.

"Go away, Lila. It's a wonderful afternoon and I don't want you spoiling it." Swooping onto his nose, the small faerie gave the young boy a sweet smile.

"I'll make you a rune, I will. But only if you get up." Rico batted at his nose, but it did little to help. Lila was being persistent.

"Go away, Lila."

"Oh, you're no fun!"

"I'm a barrel of monkeys."

Oh, all right.

Atta girl! That's the faerie I know!

You owe me.

Do I? What about the time I saved you from those bees?

I could have handled them.

Even when you were screaming for help?

It was a diversion.

A desperate plea for help, as I remember.

See? It even fooled you!

Sure, Lila. Stop stalling.

Stalling? Me? Wouldn't dream of it.

You don't have to. You do it enough when you're awake.

Oh, nuts to you!

Tasty ones, too.

He was annoyed now. He'd been waiting for the past twenty minutes, and still a no-show.

"You sure he's coming?" Lila asked. Rico shrugged.

"He said he would." Lila flapped her wings, impatient. She sighed, settling back down.

"He's certainly making us wait a while.... Oh, there he is!" And there he was indeed. "What did you say his name was, again?"


He'll be an important man someday.

Is that a fact?

Yep. One of these faerie things.

Uh-huh. So why didn't you befriend him?

I like you more.

I can't say the same of you, Lila.

Aww, how sweet of you, Rico.

I try, dearest.

So, what do you say to a match of Bolt-ball?

Sure. No over-powered spell this time, though.

All right. You're going down anyway!

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